Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day Four

So I got up about 7 this morning with a bit of a stuffy nose and thought, oh great just what I need. But I'm pretty sure its just from crying, I have a bunch of swollen tissue, not a cold. No other symptoms and I don't feel bad. In fact, once I was up and about my nose was better too. Thank God!

Mom had a pretty rough night last night. She had a lot of pain in her stomach so they ended up giving her some morphine. This morning they took her off her saline drip and still off chemo. She is on antibiotics for the slight fever she has had and thats it for now. When I talked with her this morning she said they told her she could have more blood today, but might wait until tomorrow, depended on how she felt.

Dad called about 315 this afternoon and said that "we" now have a room with a view. They changed her to a room in the other hall that has a view of Mt Hood, the river and the tram, she can even see the sub at OMSI. Her new # is 503-346-1411

Then I talked to Mom and she seemed so much better. More energy in her voice and she said her spirits were higher with the change in scenery. We also found out that she has wireless internet in her room, so I'm going to take up the laptop on Tuesday and do a webcam with the kids after school.
So - now you can email her with a note if you'd like and I'll help her read through them when I'm there. We are even looking into buying her a laptop to keep with her up there. Kam's mom is helping us find a cheap one. Mom's email is or you can email me at

I can't begin to describe the warmth and love I feel from each email and phone call I've received over the past few days. THANK YOU! I can't wait to read through the emails with Mom on Tuesday - to tell her about all the people who care so much! She has appreciated all the phone calls too, so keep them coming!

Thank you too for all the offers to help wherever needed. We'll definitely call as things come up, but for now, we're doing ok. Just keep talking with Mom and keep sending up prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Amie -

    We'll be praying for you and your mom. It is so much to deal with. All I can say is one day at a time. Jim's dad was diagnosed a few weeks ago with a brain tumor, and now that the shock has worn off, we are managing to get by through the grace of God and tackling each battle as it arises.
