Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday again

Well another week has begun. Each day brings new and different joys and pains and unexpectedness. I've learned alot in the past few months. I've have had many lessons reaffirmed the least of which is to never be surprised by the generosity of others. Last night's fundraiser was successful beyond my imagination. We had over 100 people come to support my parents. Each was generous and kind and thoughtful in so many ways. I was perhaps most stunned to see the young man whom Wayne and Debbie helped with a previous benefit. He does not know my parents; he came only to pay it forward. He and his parents are special, special people. It was overwhelming the love in that room last night. And not only did we raise alot of money, we had fun and joy and laughter when lately those have been few and far between. It is a night I will never forget.

I know that my mom and dad do not have the words to express their gratitude and appreciation and love for each person who took the time to be there.

Mom is hanging in there. They were not able to give us any more information today. The blood tests are not completed, we're hoping for tomorrow morning. So Mom is stuck in the hospital for at least one more night. Another lesson I've learned is to just (in the words of Paul McCartney) Let it Be, so we'll see what tomorrow brings, tomorrow.

Good night all and God Bless You!

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