Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Kasey and I met Dad about 7:45 yesterday morning to go to Portland. When we got to the hospital about 9 Mom was up and waiting for us. Kasey had to stay out in the lounge outside the unit, so he took a book and we took turns leaving the room to go check on him. The biopsy was scheduled for 11:30 so we had to hang out until then. Dad took Kasey down to ride the tram and Mom and I played cribbage until the nurse came to give her a sedative. Once the biopsy was over she slept and we went down to have lunch and ride the tram again(Kasey thought it was pretty darn cool). After lunch we got everything packed up and then waited for the nurse to go over discharge papers. Got the prescriptions straightened out and we were out of there. Kasey was waiting just outside the unit doors, and he was the first person to get to give her a hug without the gown, the mask and the gloves on in 5 weeks. Mom even walked the whole way - from her room, down the elevators, through the halls and to the front door. It was pretty powerful for her to see other people, be in the middle of all the commotion of the hospital, after being isolated for so long. We had a great drive home, it was sunny and nice and warm. So we were home by about 4:30...and she was worn out and ready to sit in her own home, in her own chair.

I talked with her this morning already and she had a good night. She's feeling better every day.

She goes back to OHSU next Tuesday to map out the next steps. But for now, SHE'S HOME!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home Karen! Take it easy, it'll be hard to stay home but you've been through a lot and your body will take a long time to get back it's energy. It's working really hard right now and needs A LOT of down time. If you need anything please don't hesitate to email me or call!
    Your friend,
