Monday, July 12, 2010

Cancer sucks!

Chemo is the worst means to an end that I can possibly think of. It isn't fair that the medicine that can save you can be the worst part of the illness. I can't begin to scream out how much I despise what this chemo is doing to her.

Mom is back in the hospital. Dad took her in about 6 this morning with a 102.3 fever. By 9am she had been admitted to ICU with a blood pressure of 87/31. Things have been a roller coaster today. She has received 2 (or maybe 3 now) units of whole blood, 1 unit of platelets, 4 different types of antibiotics and at least 2 bags of saline. They don't believe she has an infection, although they have taken blood samples for testing but instead think that her blood counts dropped too low over the weekend. She got a unit of platelets last Thursday(Kam spent that day with her at the infusion room) but wasn't scheduled to go back in for more blood tests until today. You would think that by now they would know that she can't go 4 days without blood but what do I know...
Anyway, we'll know more tomorrow but for now she is mostly sleeping and trying to fight to get the fever under control. When I talked to Dad about 6:15 her blood pressure was up to 104/45 and her fever was down to just over 100.

So tonight we'll pray again for healing for Mom and knowledge for the doctors and nurses and other teams taking care of her.

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