Sunday, February 14, 2010

Days Ten and Eleven

The effects of the chemo are beginning to show. Mom is feeling really tired and fighting back nausea and no appetite. They keep trying new types of anti-nausea meds to keep it at bay, including today a patch behind her ear. She had another round of platelets yesterday and tonight about midnight is her last bag of chemo. Her seven days will be done tomorrow. Then we wait until the 22nd when they do the next biopsy to see if the chemo worked. Mom is holding in there but she's definitely not sounding as good as she was. Sleeping much more and not wanting as much company now.
A social worker came in yesterday to talk with her and is helping get paperwork turned in to the insurance company, which is nice. So many things to think about and worry about.

1 comment:

  1. Amie, We are so appreciative of your taking the time to keep us all updated about your mom. Karen, Bill, Amie, and family. . . Although there is much to think about, try not to worry. There are so many reaching out to help and your entire family needs to just allow yourselves to be swallowed up in the prayers and love of your friends and church family! If you or your (extended) family needs something, don't hesitate to pick up a phone and ask. We are willing to help but sometimes don't quite know what is needed. Please know that you are loved and are being prayed for daily. :)
