Thursday, October 14, 2010
It has been an unbelievable roller coaster, an amazing 8 months and a life change experience. All of the things that everyone says are true.
There really aren't words to express what each and every thought, word, prayer, praise and hug meant to all of us. We love you and we wish each of you all the best, may none of you ever be in our shoes.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
She'll be going to Dr. Lee's once a month for a year for blood work and back to Dr. Fleming in January for a check up. She should be going back to work for a few hours a day on Monday if all the paperwork gets finished. She's slowly feeling better and getting stronger.
How amazing!
ps - if you aren't doing anything on Saturday, join us at the courthouse for the Soroptimist Walk for the Cause, Run for A Life. It starts at 9am.
Friday, September 10, 2010
What a great week!
Anyway, Mom finished up the last of her antibiotics Tuesday morning. This morning Kam took her over to have the central line removed (it barely bled) and have blood drawn again. Then they had a doctors appt with Dr. Lee. Great news - everything looks good, the counts are rising quickly and Dr. Lee says she is now without restrictions. She can eat, play, sleep, work...whatever she wants as long as she takes it all a little at a time. She goes back to Portland on the 28th for (cross our fingers) the last bone marrow biopsy to be sure there are no signs of leukemia cells.
I am cautiously saying - she is in remission! (technically she's been in remission since she left the hospital in Portland but now I can say it and feel like I can mean it). I'm still having a hard time with saying that it's over. This has been a life changing experience for all of us. It has affected the course of our lives and I can't say the journey is over, its just changing paths again. Life moves on and we go about our daily business but I think we'll all always carry this with us.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
First day home again
Tomorrow is her 62nd birthday and I'm so glad she'll be at home to celebrate it. Dr. Lee even told her she could go out for dinner, not sure where they are going to go yet...The kids made her cards before they left for Prineville with Kam and I'm going to drop them off for her at lunch. I'll be gone after tomorrow, so no more updates until next week. Have a great Labor Day weekend!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
They got home about 5:45pm tonight and she wanted pork chops and mashed potatoes for dinner...we'll see how that went. :)
Monday, August 30, 2010
Getting out soon, we think!
Kam and I went over tonight to see her and she looks a ton better but the central line in her neck is really bugging her and keeps bleeding so they are keeping an eye on that. She had dinner there but it didn't look like she ate much of it. Her brother Dave called while we were there and that sure perked her up, he'll be here on Saturday morning with his daughter Kari. They'll be here until the 9th and she is looking forward to their visit.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
The girls and I went over and cleaned the house today so I should only have to run over there on Thursday or Friday to finish getting ready for Dave and Kari to come on Saturday.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
We still don't know when she'll be getting out of the hospital. We have to wait on the fever to go away and her blood counts to come back up, they are still really low.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The port is coming out
So, we're just waiting for the medicine to fight off the infection for her and get that temp to stay down.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
A little more info...
She wants to go home so bad. Keeps saying she didn't ask for this...trying to tell us she'd be home tomorrow. I think we're all getting tired of seeing the inside of those hospital walls so I can't begin to understand what she thinks when she's in there.
They took a blood culture this morning but we won't have results back until tomorrow afternoon so we don't know what we're fighting for sure yet. Dad said they told him they would do another culture on Thursday to see if the antibiotics are doing their job.
That's about all I know for now...will check on her in the morning again.
In the hospital again
Friday, August 20, 2010
But we are certainly hopeful that she will get through this treatment without an infection and start feeling better again by the end of next week.
We got some really exciting news yesterday. Her brother Dave and his daughter Kari are coming for a visit! They'll be here from the 4th to 9th of September. For both Mom's and his birthdays! The last time Dave was here was for my wedding in 1994 and I think the last time we saw them was in 2001... (Mom and Dad may have been back there once since then but I can't remember for sure) so we are really excited!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Home again!
She is feeling pretty good right now, says she's better this time that she felt at this point in treatment last time. So maybe she won't have such a hard downhill battle this time.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The week's half over...
Monday, August 9, 2010
Back at it again!
The kids and I are going over to see her tomorrow after work. She should still be feeling good, it's usually the 3rd day that the chemo starts kicking in.
Mom and Dad said they had a great time camping this weekend. I'm really glad they took the weekend and got out of town. I'm hoping they might get another weekend in before the end of the summer, but we'll see.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
So much for making plans...
So Mom went in and had blood drawn and Dr. Lee said that if her platelets were at least 50 they could go ahead with chemo next week but was thinking they would be in the 30-40 range and she would need to have blood drawn again on Thursday.
About 6:00 tonight she called Mom back and said the platelets are just over 80! That's up from 29 on Tuesday last week. So Mom has this weekend of freedom, which they are taking advantage of by going camping with Dick and Marjean, and then it's back to the hospital on Monday. It's hard to believe that we are already looking at this last(we pray) treatment.
Someone said a couple weeks ago that they prayed for a sense of normalcy for's amazing at what becomes "normal". I'm having a hard time with thinking ahead, of what could be "normal" for us soon. All I can see is the fight that we've been in...and I don't want to get ahead of this process. I don't know if I'll ever be able to be rid of that sense of fear and move on from this.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Another check up in Portland
Her next appointment in Portland is September 28th. This is when they'll do the bone marrow biopsy and we'll know if she's done with treatment. That is assuming that all goes well between now and then. So, we can see the finish line just have a few more hurdles to jump first.
Mom is really feeling much better. She took the kids to town yesterday for lunch and to do a little shopping. After they came back out to our house and did a little swimming...she was still here when I got home from work. They all had a really good time.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
On the way up!
This morning Mom and Dad ran some errands, had breakfast out and even went to the farmers' market. They bought fresh fruit and veggies...then this afternoon we went over there and had bbq burgers and potato salad and fresh green salad. She said it was yummy! Dad said she finished her whole plate at breakfast and he thought it was just because she was so excited to eat something besides his cooking or packaged food. :)
She goes back to Portland on Tuesday for a check up and then shouldn't have to go back to the doctor until the 13th of August provided everything goes smoothly between now and then. It's looking like the 15th of August or so for the last round of chemo.
We giggled over her hair today - she's got just a little bit of white, white stubble now. Not sure if its going to stay or fall out again...she was just getting enough eyelashes back to actually see them again but she said they are starting to fall out now. She said there were 2 women in the infusion room yesterday that are on their last rounds of chemo (for different types of cancer) and they both had at least an inch or so of hair...Mom is just hoping she has enough for family pictures this fall but I said it didn't matter, hats are cute!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
She's home again!
Her WBC was at .9 on Tuesday so she is still on a restricted diet and not going out in public yet, but at least we are on the way back up!
She was feeling pretty good last night, had done a little cleaning in the kitchen, but is still really tired and can only be up and about for 10-15 minutes at a time...but this is the cycle we go through each time.
Thank you to those who have sent books for her to read, she should be good for a little while now. :)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
She's had a few visitors over the last few days and has really enjoyed that. Makes the days go by a little faster for her...she says she's really tired of talk shows and re-runs. :) If anyone has some new movies I bet she'd enjoy borrowing those too...
Just saw this article on Yahoo and thought I'd share it...oh how I wish that no one would have to go through this!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
She's still hoping she'll be out of there before the weekend is over; I think it'll be closer to Monday or Tuesday but we'll see.
The latest...
She is in need of some different books to read so if anyone has a few they'd be willing to share please either call me or drop some off at my house or their house. :)
Thanks for the support and prayers, we love you!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Today's update
Mom said she took her temp on Sunday night before bed and it was about 99.4 but she went to bed and slept all night. When she woke up in the morning she had the chills and a temp of 101something. They were over to the hospital a little after 6 and in ICU by 9. She said she didn't know where she was yesterday until they told her today.
Dad went to see her this morning and she was still in ICU. He didn't know a whole lot more than yesterday but she DOES have an infection and is on oxygen.
I called at 11:00 and she had been moved from ICU to another floor but I wasn't able to talk to the nurses as they were just getting her settled into her room and were busy. I was able to get off work at 4 and headed over to the hospital. I called on my way to get a room number and found out she had been moved again. Back to "our" wing in 2SW where she usually stays while in the hospital. She is a bit more stable now than yesterday. She was asleep when I got there but was able to sit and stay awake for the 45 minutes I was there.
I walked out about 5:15 and was talking with the nurse when Dad walked by me and headed to her room...So the nurses tell us that she has an infection and they think it is the same type she had last time and they are fighting it with the same meds. Her fever is still running pretty rampant, was up to 104.8 during the day today and is still up around 102.5 late this afternoon. She has received 4 units of blood and 1 unit of platelets. The nurse was waiting for a call back from Dr. Lee to see if they should give her another platelet tonight or wait until tomorrow morning. They did an EKG today but looks like it came back normal so that is good.
Her arm looks like hell. With the lack of platelets she bruises easily and they bruised the living crap out of her is about the worst bruise I've ever seen. I took a picture on my cell phone of it, it's really bad! I guess Dr. Lee got very upset about it and yelled at the nurses in ICU, good for her!
She'll be in the hospital probably for at least a week. They can't let her out until her fever is gone for at least 24 hours without meds, and they won't let her out until her WBC and neutrophils are up to safe levels again.
She is on oxygen and is having a hard time breathing and is on liquid potassium, saline and antibiotics. But all in all, I think she is doing ok. She seemed ok and I feel better having been able to go see her today.
Keep praying for her!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Cancer sucks!
Mom is back in the hospital. Dad took her in about 6 this morning with a 102.3 fever. By 9am she had been admitted to ICU with a blood pressure of 87/31. Things have been a roller coaster today. She has received 2 (or maybe 3 now) units of whole blood, 1 unit of platelets, 4 different types of antibiotics and at least 2 bags of saline. They don't believe she has an infection, although they have taken blood samples for testing but instead think that her blood counts dropped too low over the weekend. She got a unit of platelets last Thursday(Kam spent that day with her at the infusion room) but wasn't scheduled to go back in for more blood tests until today. You would think that by now they would know that she can't go 4 days without blood but what do I know...
Anyway, we'll know more tomorrow but for now she is mostly sleeping and trying to fight to get the fever under control. When I talked to Dad about 6:15 her blood pressure was up to 104/45 and her fever was down to just over 100.
So tonight we'll pray again for healing for Mom and knowledge for the doctors and nurses and other teams taking care of her.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Independence Day!
She is really pretty good, much better so far than last time. But the doctor says this may be the longest recovery time and it's possible that it may be the end of August before we can even do the next treatment. That would push the bone marrow biopsy to the end of September. So we'll just have to play it day by day and see how the month goes.
For now she's at home resting and enjoying this sunshine(finally).
Friday, July 2, 2010
So much better this time around!
Anyway, she should be out of the hospital on Sunday morning sometime and Cale's family and my family are headed over there for a BBQ in the afternoon as long as she continues to feel well and none of us get sick between now and then.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Chemo round four
She's currently in room 2403 which is a private room, but who knows if she'll get to stay there all week or not.
So far she's doing ok, said she had some back spasms and leg pain today but they gave her "something" and it was feeling better. Not sure what happened but hoping its just a one time thing.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
A few questions answered, I hope. :)
The second question I get alot is what do the blood count numbers mean...
A normal person has a white blood count of between 4500 -10,000 (or 4.5 to 10.0). When mom first went to OHSU her WBC was in the 40,000 to 50,000 range because that is where the leukemia cells grow.
White blood cells are made up of several types of cells with the largest percentage being neutrophils and lymphocytes.
Neutrophils are the first response team - they do the actual work of fighting infection, they are the first to arrive on scene. In a normal person the range is between 2500 to 7000 (or 2.5 to 7.0).
Lymphocytes also help fight infection and range from 1700-3500(1.7 to 3.5) in a normal person.
Chemotherapy drugs kill blood cells to give the body a chance to create new healthy cells instead of the sick ones. Chemo cannot differentiate between the healthy cells and the sick ones so it kills them all. The body produces new cells all the time which is why they can give chemo to you and it doesn't kill you (as long as it is given in the correct dosage).
What this means is that temporarily the blood cell levels get down to dangerous levels until the body has a chance to recover. With Mom's first infection her WBC was down to .2 (or 200) and her neutrophils were at .00.
Platelets (what helps the body clot blood) are the final key a normal person levels range from 150,000 to 450,000. After chemo Mom's levels have gotten down to 6000, anything below 10,000 and you can bleed out and die. This is why we don't leave the infusion room without finding out if she needs platelets and why Dr. Lee fights so hard with the blood bank to get them for her.
So hopefully that gives some perception on those things.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Back for more chemo
Friday, June 18, 2010
new photos
Mom had another blood test on Monday, her platelets were still on the low side at 78 so Dr. Lee has decided not to do chemo next week. Instead she'll be going in on the 28th. We're headed to the Relay for Life event at West Albany High School tonight to see all the luminaries, hopefully I can get some good pictures.
I pray daily for comfort and healing and strength for everyone who has this horrible journey to take. For our friends Renee and Jon and for the Rupperts who have recently lost their loved ones to cancer, I pray for you to find comfort and joy in life, to remember the good times and not the bad. Love to you all! Amie
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
OHSU appointment
Otherwise she is doing really well...feeling good but tired still. She said she is tired of being tired. :) So, she's up for visitors now as long as you are healthy...just give her a call before stopping by.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Rachel's birthday
She was only able to stay about 45 minutes before she had enough and needed to go home, but it was so fact, it was the first time that Jessika and Kasey have seen her since Joyce was here at the end of April...
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Doing better
She was very excited to hear that she'll be able to go to Jessika's promotion ceremony and have some time to be around the kids again. She's feeling very down in the dumps right now, not depressed but sad about how much she's missed this spring. I've been taking lots of video but its just not the same. So hopefully we'll get a little break and get to enjoy spending some time together, not just talking about chemo and cancer and blood and insurance...
Monday, May 31, 2010
Not sure what the plan is from here, we've got to wait until tomorrow to talk with Dr. Lee. We're hoping that they won't want to start her next chemo until around the 20th of June, to give her a good long time to heal. (and so she can go to Jessika's 8th grade graduation ceremony on the 16th).
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Finally some better news
Today she is feeling a bit better, just having a hard time with eating as nothing tastes good and is hard to force down.
We are hoping that they may let her out of the hospital tomorrow, or possibly on Tuesday...she is so ready to be home again.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Better today...
It's been a tough week but maybe she'll be out of the hospital by Friday and that should lift her spirits.
Monday, May 24, 2010
not much new news...
If they are not able to get the fever down and keep it down without meds, they will most likely move her to ICU until they can get her stabilized. She is not aware of this possibility as she is already upset about having to be in the hospital. She is still holding out hope that she could go home tomorrow which just isn't going to happen.
I wasn't able to talk to her this evening, so not sure how it has developed but at 3:45 she didn't know anything more. Hopefully we'll know more in the morning.
I hate the nights because I feel out of the loop and am worried about her being OK overnight. It's a long time to go without contact with her or the hospital and a lot can happen.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Infection update
After church this morning I called back and he said that the fever had broken and they THINK that the infection is from a meal they had on Friday night - take out. Dr. Lee was very emphatic that they do NOT eat out or have meals brought in for the first two weeks after treatment from now on. She will need to have all meals cooked at the house and no veggies/fruit/flowers start as soon as she leaves the hospital after chemo.
I talked with Mom tonight about 9 and she said the fever is back. She got the chills right after Dad left late afternoon and they haven't been able to get it under control again. She is not sounding very good at all...very shaky and weak. So I guess for now, we just have to wait and leave it in the hands of God and the doctors to help her get through this.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Another infection
Friday, May 21, 2010
More blood
She said she is feeling a little better, food still tastes funny but at least it is staying down.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
New look
I've been slacking in getting any updates done but she got out of the hospital on Sunday morning. She hasn't been feeling well at all this time around, lots of stomach cramping and nausea and tiredness. Today was a little better. I took her over for blood tests this afternoon and she had to get a bag of platelets. Her WBC is down to .2 and her neutrophil # is .1 - so back to no flowers/fruits/vegetables and staying away from people. We had quite a long afternoon over there, the blood bank was being stingy with the platelets, said emergency patients only. So Dr. Lee had to get on the phone and tell them that Mom WAS an emergency and we needed it NOW. Her appt was at 1:30 and we finally got the platelets at 4:40...left the office at a little before 6. Made for a very long afternoon for her, I hope she ate some dinner and then laid down.
Anyway, emotionally she's hanging in there. She's sad that she's missing out on so many of the things the kids are doing. We're not sure if she's going to get to see Jessika's confirmation on Sunday or not. She says she's going to sneak in and watch from the back, but I told her that we need to play it by ear and see how she's feeling that day. My Aunt Sheri and Uncle Mike(dad's brother) are coming from Nebraska on Saturday for a week, so she really wants to be feeling well enough to visit with them. Anyway, she said it seems silly to miss all this stuff, she doesn't really need to, and I said um, yes you DO! We'd rather have her miss one year's worth of stuff than forever, tough to say...
Friday, May 14, 2010
Almost done again...
Dr. Lee says that her blood counts are doing better this time so we're hopeful that she won't need as much blood or platelets as last time. She is also better prepared and will be monitoring things more closely so hopefully Mom won't need to go to the hospital for large amounts, just in the infusion room with a bag at a time.
Next week looks to be very busy with trips for blood tests and check ups again.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Chemo is kicking in again...
So we're getting there - August feels like a long ways away but really it isn't, June is almost here already and then July and then we should be done with this nasty chemo crap.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Round 3
Dad left to head to work and I stayed until about 1:15. About 1:45 they got her first dose of chemo going, she will do another round of 1 dose every 12 hours for six days. So she should be out of the hospital next Sunday.
In other news...
Kam started a job today. He is working for Advanced Mechanical in Brownsville. This is temporary thing for now but we are very hopeful they will like him and keep him on in a more permanent position. There is even a possibility that he could get into an apprenticeship program with them, on the job training type of thing with the ability to earn a millwright card at the end of two years, so we are very hopeful!
I was also offered a job today. I am going to be working part time at Bing's Kitchen restaurant in Lebanon as a waitress. Not my forever job, but its money in our pocket as my unemployment is set to run out (with no further extensions) at the end of this month. I'll be working evenings and weekends, which in some ways is a blessing as I'll still be able to take Mom to doctor's appts and run errands and go to school functions during the day and work in the evenings...
It really is a world where its not what you know but who you know...without the help and caring of some really terrific people neither of us would have these opportunities for work. While neither of them "fix" our financial situation, they certainly bring hope that things are turning around. So thank you Chad and Chonda, Tami and Sara - we love you!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Car Show Benefit
Get Together 2010
a Benefit Car Show for Karen Wetzel
Saturday May 22, 2010
4pm - ???
at the corner of 10th & Geary in Albany
BBQ with Dogs, salads, chips, pop
Custom Exhaust Raffle
Live Music
All for generous donations to support Bill & Karen's hospital expenses
(Big, big thanks to Mike Brenneman and family for hosting this event)
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Nice break this week
This week has been great for us too, I've been able to concentrate on things around the house and stay home during the day and relax a little, we're even getting out of town to do some camping with friends. A much needed break for us all.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Amazing what a week will do
Friday night she was able to get out of the house and have dinner at Dick & Marjean's...then Saturday morning they went out for breakfast and did a little visiting. Last night they went to a 60th birthday party. I'm guessing that today she is wiped out and will need a little down time but its really great that she can have some "normal" time, that we can all take a little break from the treatment.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Better news today
So finally about 3 this afternoon they decided Mom could leave the hospital. Joyce and I were there so we helped her get her stuff together and by 4:30 we were out of there. Really she is feeling pretty well and was so thankful she could go home.
Kasey and Jessika had games tonight so I left Mom and Joyce back at home, dropped off her prescriptions and went to the games. Afterward we headed back to Mom and Dad's and brought some crockpot stew with us and got to enjoy a final meal with Joyce who is headed home tomorrow after a week here...Mom was pretty disappointed that she had to spend 3 days in the hospital while Joyce was here, but nothing we could do about it. I tried to keep her as occupied as I could. :)
Anyway, we are taking her up to the airport tomorrow then back to see Dr. Lee on Friday for a check up and to set up a time for the port to be "installed". Looks like this infection is only going to set us back about 2 weeks which all in all isn't so bad.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sunday again
I know that my mom and dad do not have the words to express their gratitude and appreciation and love for each person who took the time to be there.
Mom is hanging in there. They were not able to give us any more information today. The blood tests are not completed, we're hoping for tomorrow morning. So Mom is stuck in the hospital for at least one more night. Another lesson I've learned is to just (in the words of Paul McCartney) Let it Be, so we'll see what tomorrow brings, tomorrow.
Good night all and God Bless You!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Needless to say, Mom was pretty upset. First because she is stuck in the hospital again, second because she was doing so well a few days ago and third because well, it just sucks! And it's scary and depressing and all those other things...we just don't know what is going to happen now. The whole "routine" is thrown out the window until this is taken care of. We don't know for sure she'll be able to continue to receive the chemo and if she can, when...
So, I'm home for a little while now but gotta go get ready for the big party tonight. She wants to be sure that everyone knows she's thinking of them, she loves them and is so overwhelmed by all the love and support she has received. She's sorry she can't come tonight, she really wanted to be there...but we'll go and we'll have fun and take lots of pictures and maybe even raise a little money to help them out. But for me, its so much more important that she knows how much everyone cares, just how much everyone is pulling and praying for her to come through this. And that's why I want this night to be successful.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Bad day today...
About 2 my dad called from work and asked if I could head over there...Mom had developed a fever over night and wasn't feeling very good today. He said she spiked to 102.5 in the middle of the night and had chills and the shakes a couple times today. But she was being stubborn about calling the doctor because the fever would go down after taking some Tylenol...well, by the time I got there she had called the doctor. She told us to go over to the Corvallis ER and she would meet us there.
We got over there and into an ER room about 3:30. They took several blood samples to run tests and do a culture on, plus a chest x-ray and urine sample. Her temp was up to 104.5 for several hours and she was having BAD leg cramps and chills. She was shaking so bad her teeth would chatter. They gave her Tylenol about 5:30 but she wasn't able to keep them down. (If you haven't seen the vomit bags in the hospitals, I gotta say they are about the coolest invention I've seen, wish I had some to put by the kids' beds). About 6:30 Dr. Lee got there (who had a very sad story to tell about a patient she lost today) and they tried to give her some potassium pills for the leg cramps but they didn't go down well either. They finally got the IV antibiotics going about 6:30. All of the tests so far have come back normal so they aren't sure what is wrong with her, said we might know more tomorrow after the culture is completed. In the meantime, she has to stay in the hospital and will continue to receive IV antibiotics every 8 hours or so. We finally were able to move out of the ER and into a room at 8. Dad came over about 8:30 and Joyce and I left at 9. Not sure how long Dad will stay with her tonight - last temp check she was down to 101.9.
I wonder sometimes about how much info to share on here...what's too personal and what's too graphic...but I want to be able to remember what happened and how I was feeling and details that I might forget about later, so I write what I feel like writing at the time...
Today was really, really hard for me. Joyce was there and we tried to keep the mood light but Mom was really, really sick. She would lapse in and out of reality, she would moan and rock back and forth in pain. She was singing to herself and would talk in some made up language and then all the sudden she would be back and would hold a totally normal conversation. It was hard to watch. I didn't break down until I got home - I made Kam put the kids to bed before I walked in the door so they wouldn't see me was hard, really hard. I know that these are symptoms of a high fever but it doesn't make it any easier. So now it's almost 11 and I'm still up, I'm exhausted and have a long day ahead of me but it is what it is and we'll get through it one day at a time.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Doing good!
We left town about 9:45am to head up to pick up Joyce from the airport. After that we headed over to OHSU and has some lunch and wandered around the hospital for a bit waiting for 2 for Mom's appointment with Dr. Fleming. Joyce and I stayed in the waiting room and chit-chatted until they were done.
Her appointment went well. She is reacting just as she should and everything is going as hoped for. Her WBC was 2.0 yesterday and her platelets were up to 29. The neutrophils were at .5.Her WBC had doubled in 24 hrs. Dr. Fleming reassured Mom and Dad that he was in close contact with Dr. Lee and was watching closely how the treatments are going. He also explained why she was receiving the 12 doses instead of 6. Any patient over 60 has a greater risk so they really try to kick its butt. Anyway, she had to go back to Corvallis this morning for blood tests again...after waiting from 9:15 until 11:45 for the results, most of the numbers were the same...except for the neutrophils, which are now at 1.0. This was great news and it means that her immune system is now functioning on its own and the flowers/fruits/vegetables restriction is lifted until after her next treatment. It also means that she isn't house bound, although she does still need to stay away from large crowds and sick people - she has an immune system but it is very fragile.
She was very excited about it as it means that she CAN go to Casino night this Saturday.
So the plan right now is to give her about a week off, she doesn't have to go back for tests again until a week from Friday...then depending on her blood counts she'll go back for chemo again on May 3rd.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Lots of tests, lots of time...
The doctor wanted her to get the platelets right away but said we could maybe wait on the red blood until Wednesday or Thursday. She has a doctors appt in Portland tomorrow so we couldn't do it tomorrow. Mom and I both really didn't want to see her go backwards since she is feeling pretty well, so we asked if it could be done today she's back in the hospital right now getting her first of three units of red blood.
We sat in the infusion room for about 2 1/2 hrs waiting on blood tests and for the blood bank to say if they have the platelets and blood to give her. I finally gave up and left her there and went to her house to get some cleaning done. She was able to get the platelets in the infusion room and was done with them about 1. She called to say she was headed over to the hospital to be admitted for the rest of the day. I finished up at her house and headed back over to Corvallis...they finally brought in the red blood about 3:45 and we are hoping she'll be done with all 3 units around 11 tonight. I'm going to go back over there around 9 to hang out with her until she can leave. We didn't want her to stay overnight in the hospital because we need to leave for Portland about 9:30 in the morning and there is NO WAY you can count on the hospital to do things in a timely manner.
As I sat there with her today and as I left her so I could get something else done I kept thinking about my situation...I've been free to do whatever needs to happen with Mom. I WANT to continue to do this. It is a burden to ask others to go to these appts, it isn't like asking someone to go to a doctor's appt, you never know what is going to happen...sometimes we're done in an hour, sometimes it's an all day thing...and it can be scary too when things don't go as we thought.
But eventually a job will come my way and I'll have no choice but to take it. It's so hard to look ahead, each day is different and unexpected and I cannot imagine how it will look when I'm trying to hold down a full time job too. So for now, we'll take each day as they come - I'm doing that in many, many aspects of life right now, planning for the future just doesn't seem possible.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Another week down...
Thank you again to everyone who stops by and chats with her, who calls to check in with her and with me - it really does mean everything to know there are so many people in this community who care.
Back to the doctor in the morning to check her blood counts again, then to Portland to pick up Joyce and see the doctor up at OHSU on Tuesday. Just gotta wait and see what this week brings us.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Casino Night is almost here!
For tickets call either Debbie Hanslovan 541-926-9331, Marjean Johnson 541-926-1941 or myself 541-928-0230.
Tickets are $10/person, evening starts at 5:30, auction starts at 8.
Riverside Community Hall, Riverside Dr in Albany
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Back to waiting...
So for now, we are watching for rashes, fevers and mouth sores and keeping antibiotics and potassium supplements in her and waiting for her numbers to come back enough so she can do a little visiting.
Monday, April 12, 2010
So anyway today's blood, not what we expected! Friday before she went to the hospital her WBC was it was still 0.2. Her neutrophils were 0.0 on Friday and today still the same. Her RBC is up a little from Friday but still not where they should be. And lastly her platelets were down from 9 to 6, so we're going backwards even after 2 units of platelets last week. So Mom and I spent 5 hours at the doctors office this morning; she received another unit of platelets and got her PICC line dressing changed(which looks a ton better this week).
We go back to have tests done again on Wednesday and most likely Friday. Then next week she goes back to Portland to meet with Dr. Fleming. Dr. Lee says that they will do a CBC there and depending on the results, she may either have a bone marrow biopsy done up there, or if the numbers are still low, Dr. Lee may do it at her office around the 23rd or even the next week. Her next round of chemo can't be scheduled until after her numbers recover. It may be the week of the 26th or maybe the week of May 3rd or later, we just have to wait and see.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Today we are all going over there to have lunch with her. She is really missing everyone and we are all healthy right now, so lets take advantage of it while we can!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Back to the hospital
So this morning she had to go back to the doctor for more blood tests. (I couldn't take her so her friend Millie did)...I just got off the phone with her and they are keeping her at the hospital. Her blood counts did not improve. Her platelets went from 6 to 9(even with a bag of them on Wed afternoon) her WBC is down to .2 from 1.2 on Wed and her neutrophils are down to .00. So they are getting her prepped for a bag of platelets and 3 bags of whole blood right now, and I think they'll start her on IV antibiotics also. Don't know how long she'll have to stay there yet.
UPDATE***She will be in the hospital for the rest of the day and should be able to come home in the morning as long as her blood counts come back up some by morning. Her color looks ALOT better now than it did 3 hours ago, so I take that as a good sign. She is in isolation for now, back to masks and gloves in the room with her...and definitely no flowers or uncooked/unprocessed fruits and veggies.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
ups and downs
Monday, April 5, 2010
Home again
I met Dr. Lee today too, she seems like a very nice, very caring doctor. She was very gentle with Mom and took a good long look at her arm, which reassured me, as the nurses in Portland didn't speak very kindly about the staff down here taking care of the PICC line(apparently it isn't used as often down here) and with it being a little less than perfect looking right now, well...
Hopefully we'll get through this week and she'll start feeling better again. I have to keep reminding her that this is a long, serious process - it's ok that she doesn't feel good right now but it will get better. She's been a little more emotional, which I think can be a side effect, but I also think could just be that the longer we all have this stress, the harder it gets to deal with it.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter!
The last few days seem to have flown by. Mom has been feeling a better, they've been keeping her full of anti-nausea meds which seem to do the trick. The girls and I went over yesterday afternoon and spent about an hour with her, she was getting antsy to be home. After we left there we went over to the house and did a quick cleaning - sweep, mop, vacuum, get ready for her to come home.
This morning we headed to church about 10. A few minutes after we got there she called and said they released her and her and Dad were on their way to church to eat some breakfast with us. She came in and ate and then left again, she decided she didn't think she could make it through the service. So they went home and she is resting, I don't think we'll go over to see her today but I'll see her tomorrow. She goes back to the hospital tomorrow for some meds and to have her PICC line cleaned. I think she goes in again later in the week for blood tests. Her WBC and platelets are getting pretty low now(which is good) so she may need a transfusion soon too.
Because this treatment is a little different from the last round, she has antibiotics to take at home(she had them in the hospital too) to keep illness at bay, plus they now have her on eye drops to keep her eyes healthy, the chemo can create problems so she'll continue to do the drops during treatment. That's all I can remember for now, I'm sure I'm forgetting something that's coming up. :)
This is the day that the Lord has made; Rejoice and be glad in it!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
We are also very excited because Mom's best friend from Nebraska is coming out to stay with them for a week...she gets here the 20th and will be here for casino night (which Mom is really hoping she is up to going to) glad that Joyce will be here soon!
I almost forgot to mention, her new room# is 2402-2, the extension to her phone is #2432.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Casino Night Info!
Saturday, April 24th
5:30pm for Games and Appetizers
Live Auction begins at 8:00pm
Riverside Community Hall, 35283 Riverside Dr, Albany
Tickets $10 per person includes: appetizers, non-alcoholic beverages and $5 Casino script
Sponsored by friends of Karen Wetzel. All proceeds go to offset medical and other costs in Karen's fight against Leukemia.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
One bag at a time...
Monday, March 29, 2010
Round Two
This time around she has to share a room (right now with an 18 yr old girl who has Lupus) definitely isn't the same vibe as it was at OHSU. Things are pretty chaotic, it feels like she is just one of many patients - the nurses at OHSU were very caring and very careful with everything they did, they specialize in bone marrow treatment. I'm not saying they aren't taking good care of her in Corvallis, its just VERY different over there. She isn't in a cancer wing, she's just one of many patients with a variety of illnesses...glad she only has to be there for a week. Good news is there are no visitation restrictions, the kids can go see her...and we don't have to suit up!
So far, she's just bored and just hanging out waiting until she gets to go home. Easter is Sunday and we're hoping that they finish up the chemo Saturday night so she can go home early Sunday morning.
Her room # is 2416-2. You can call her at 541-768-5000, then wait for message to enter the 4-digit Patient Room#2437. Visiting hours are from 11am until 8pm, but the nurse told me they are pretty flexible as long as we aren't disturbing other patients. :)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Casino Fun Night!
It will be Saturday, April 24th at the Riverside Grange Hall on Riverside Drive in Albany. (more details coming soon)
If you would like to help Debbie with any of the planning or selling tickets or gathering silent auction items please contact her at 541-979-7600.
Thank you!!!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
The next phase...
Mom has one week of free time, then its back to work. Monday, March 29th she will check in to the Corvallis hospital and will remain there for 6 days for treatment. She will receive liquid chemo 2x a day and when that is done she'll be able to come home and recover there. They say she will feel pretty good while she is in the hospital but the worst of it will come after she gets home. She will have about 3 weeks at home while her white blood counts recover, then she'll go back into the hospital again. She'll need to do this 4 times, hopefully the last time will be sometime in July. She should be able to do 3 of the treatments in Corvallis, but probably the last one in Portland so they can do another bone marrow biopsy at the end of it.
So, its almost time for more cribbage and movie watching in the hospital, at least this time its only a 15 minute drive to see her. In the meantime, she's been keeping busy. She drove to church Wednesday night to watch the handbell choir play, Mom and Dad drove over to the coast yesterday to spend the day with us at South Beach campground, and she got her hair cut this afternoon. All in all, she's doing really well. Spring break is this week so we're going to try to get a few afternoons of fun in with the kids before she goes back.
Thank you to everyone who has brought food over to them, it is SUCH a help. They'll still need some help over the next few months as she goes up and down through the chemo cycle. Just give me a call if you'd like to help out.
Love to all!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The other good news is that she will be able to complete at least the next few treatments in Albany/Corvallis and will not be required to stay in the hospital. She will be calling Dr. Lee tomorrow to set up an appointment to go over the treatment schedule and get a little more info about how it all will work. It will most likely be a week of treatment, a week of "down", and two weeks of recovery, then start over with each treatment becoming a little easier on her.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Moving along
Tomorrow she goes back to the doctor to find out what is coming next. We'll be moving on to the next stage soon.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
If you would like to deliver a meal to them, please give me a call 541-928-0230 or email me to set up a day. That way we don't have too many or all at once. :)
Thank you again for all the support.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I talked with her this morning already and she had a good night. She's feeling better every day.
She goes back to OHSU next Tuesday to map out the next steps. But for now, SHE'S HOME!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Mary Kay Fundraiser
You can place an order by going to or calling or emailing me and I'll get it ordered for you.
Order between now and March 21st for delivery the week of March 28th.
Also, if anyone would like to host their own MK event, and books it in March(to be held in April), she will contribute 30% of all sales from those parties as well. And don't forget all the gift opportunities coming up: Mother's Day, Father's Day, grads, brides, etc. Mary Kay has 90+ products $10 & under.
Thanks for your support!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Day 32
I got the call this afternoon after church; they are going to do the biopsy first thing in the morning and then we can get her Dad, Kasey and I are headed up early to go get her. She is SO EXCITED and so are WE! We'll have lots of continuing care to do and life will turn upside down again but she'll be AT HOME! WOOHOO!
As for the rest of the day...
I hadn't been to church since before she was diagnosed, knew it would be hard to go but I had some meetings to attend today so it was time to go. I was doing just fine, chatting with everyone, getting hugs, answering questions...and then we went in for the service. I made it through the first song but then it just hit me that she is missing this, this which is so much an important part of her life, so much HER...I just couldn't bear the thought that I was there singing and listening and being a part of it, and she couldn't just isn't fair. Then we got to the prayers and her name was read (along with a HUGE list of others, so many people need our prayers) and Kasey broke down and had to leave...such a kind and tender heart on that boy.
After church the kids sat with our friend Tami who tried to teach the kids how to crochet a hat...COMEDY! but they stayed with it and the hats should be done in a couple of days...such a nice thing for them to get to do. Then I got the call from Mom and we packed up and left...we already had plans for dinner with friends so we headed over there. We left the kids with the guys and Tania, Isla and I went to Mom and Dad's and cleaned the house one more time...wiped down everything with disinfectant and got it ready for her to come home tomorrow. Even got some balloons to hang from the the house is ready, we're ready, she's ready - its finally time!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Day 31
Rachel said she had a good time, they played cards and went on walks...Rachel and Dad went on the tram again, she said it was more fun this time, not as scary.
I don't want to pin down anything yet...but lets just say that her home coming is getting very very close (barring any unforeseen setbacks), they took her off the antibiotics today and if she goes without a fever for at least 24 hours we're one step closer...the doctors and nurses are all hinting at it, and some are guessing at which day it'll be, but we won't know for sure until probably the day she's ready. Her next bone marrow biopsy is scheduled for Monday but now they are saying that she could maybe come home without the results of that if all her other numbers and such are in we just wait each day and watch her numbers rise.
I'll probably be headed over to their house on Monday morning to do a thorough cleaning and disinfect the kitchen and bathrooms - just in case!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Day 30
I was able to speak with the doctor again today. He was patient with me and my questions, but wanted to be sure I understand that anything he says is only a possibility, we have to take it one day at a time because so many things can affect the course of treatment. But it did help to at least be able to hear directly from the doctor what "should" happen next. Her white cells are steadily climbing, although a bit slower than they'd like, and her eating is getting a little better so we're solidly on our way to getting her home, its just a matter of time. Treatment going forward is somewhat mapped out, but by no means set in stone, we have to make sure that she is in remission first.(Leukemia patients are either untreated, in remission or relapsed). Once they have determined if she is in remission(no leukemia cells measured) they will decide on the next course of treatment for sure. That should be next week after the bone marrow biopsy.
Dad and the girls had planned to go up again in the morning but yesterday Jessika came down with a cold, so its just going to be Rachel and Papa...she is very excited and so is Grandma...Jessika is taking it pretty well, especially knowing that she may get to see her at home soon.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Days 28 and 29
Things continue to move along in recovery. She is gaining strength back daily(she doesn't think so, but we see a marked improvement), she's walking more laps now than she could when she first went in to the hospital. Her white blood cell counts are coming back as they should, so once the eating and drinking are under control, they'll let her out to come home. That doesn't mean that we are out of the woods or that she is cured, but we are well on the road to recovery and winning this fight! Many more long days are ahead of us, but we are strong, we are confident and WE WILL WIN!
And next year at this time, who knows - maybe they'll be in Hawaii for their anniversary!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Day 27
Going to start getting the house ready for her to come home. I talked to the nurse a bit about what has to be done to get ready...what to expect when she gets home. She can have visitors and can go visiting, just not in large crowds...she can go to the store but avoid peak hours and take her sanitizers with her. No plan yet for her continued treatments, but we'll know more after the next biopsy.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Days 25 and 26
I posted a couple pictures of Kasey from the OSU game yesterday. We had a really good time, weather was awesome(no rain) and the seats were incredible. He was amazed at how fast they could throw the ball...said one time "I don't understand how it keeps happening, he hits it and starts running and then the other guy gets the ball and throws it and he gets out." Not quite like 4th grade bball, hehe. :)
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Day 24
Dick and Marjean went to stay with her today as none of us were able to go. Mom said they had a good time, played cribbage and such...she was very glad to see them and happy that they were able to stay all day with her. Dad goes up tomorrow and Cale's work trip was cancelled so he is going up on Monday, so I'll see her again on Tuesday.
I've been asked a few times about what happens after Mom gets home from the hospital...really we don't know for sure, it depends on how well her body recovers from the chemo treatment but here is some info about the consolidation treatment phase(after she gets home from the hospital), so far all things point to her being in the low risk therapy...
"Even after complete remission is achieved, leukemic cells likely remain in numbers too small to be detected with current diagnostic techniques. If no further postremission or consolidation therapy is given, almost all patients will eventually relapse. Therefore, more therapy is necessary to eliminate non-detectable disease and prevent relapse — that is, to achieve a cure.
The specific type of postremission therapy is individualized based on a patient's prognostic factors and general health. For good-prognosis leukemias, patients will typically undergo an additional 3–5 courses of intensive chemotherapy, known as consolidation chemotherapy. For patients at high risk of relapse, allogeneic stem cell transplantation is usually recommended if the patient is able to tolerate a transplant and has a suitable donor. The best postremission therapy for intermediate-risk AML is less clear and depends on the specific situation, including the age and overall health of the patient, the patient's personal values, and whether a suitable stem cell donor is available.
Relapsed AML
For patients with relapsed AML, the only proven potentially curative therapy is a stem cell transplant, if one has not already been performed. "
Friday, February 26, 2010
Day 23
I went up to sit with Mom again today. She had a really good day, food stayed down, we walked, played cribbage, talked. She didn't sleep the whole time I was there but she was pretty tired when I left.
The doctor came in while I was there(a new one, they rotate or something)and he is Eastern European and somewhat hard to understand...but he did a nice job of explaining what they are doing to her, and what the next little while is going to be like...basically they are keeping her body going while it recovers, with blood, antibiotics, fluid, platelets, etc...but he thinks she should be recovered in about 10 days and then we'll talk about going home and what will happen in the next stage of treatment - called consolidation therapy(more chemo)...with a break in between.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Day 22
A friend told me about Costco's collage posters, so I went online and ordered a couple of posters with pics of the kids and us to hang in her room, to make it more homey...and I think the girls are going to work on some art projects for her over the weekend. I'm headed up tomorrow to see her again but then won't be back up there until Monday, too much stuff going on here in town this weekend.
I know she reads all the emails and cards she has been getting, she just doesn't always have the energy to reply to them, but keep them coming, she loves reading them. (one of the staff at the hospital commented on how many cards she gets, which made Mom smile). :)
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Day 21
Mom developed a fever over night last night, the nurses say 99% of patients develop one, so its not necessarily something to worry about, but it is an automatic trip to the xray room to peek at her lungs. As far as I know, everything came back normal. She is having a really hard time keeping down the oral meds so I think she may have to go back on IV drip for awhile until they get the fever under control.
As for the spinal test and the biopsy, I don't really have much to report. The doctors came in after Dad left tonight and Mom was pretty sedated and I was having a hard time understanding her. She said they told her everything was normal and doing what its supposed to be doing. They did mention that she MAY be able to come home in 10-14 days but it really is a day by day process, just have to wait to see if anything else develops. I'm going to call up to the nurses and see if I can get a little more info from them.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Day Twenty
Now we have a new journey and new direction and new worries and new stresses to go along with all the rest. It can be overwhelming to think about, so I have found that I just have to take one thing at a time and worry about the next thing when its time comes. My mind wanders alot and I find that I can't remember things or see things that are right next to me(I yelled down the hall for Kasey last night and he was sitting on the other end of the couch). I'm glad I have this blog to get down my thoughts each night before I forget them.
I drove up to see Mom this morning. She is looking more pensive now, ready to go home. The days are running together to her. She said she really doesn't remember the first 3 or 4 days she was there. We played a card game for awhile and watched a movie(well I watched it while she slept) and we walked 4 laps...
Her nurse today was able to get her IV stopped during the days, so she only has to be hooked up to fluids at night while she sleeps now, as long as she continues to eat and drink...which is her biggest struggle right now. Nothing tastes good, smells good, sounds good - so getting her to order her food takes awhile. A dietitian came in today to go over what she has been eating and what they can do to help her eat more. Her protein and fat intake is too low and they won't let her go home until she can stabilize her weight, she's lost 10lbs so far. They are going to automatically send her snacks and diet supplements 2x a day, I think if its there she'll at least try to eat.
They say they'll have all the test results in tomorrow afternoon but the initial results "look good". No word on what that means for her continued treatment and stay in the hospital though.
Her hair is coming out now. Although she still looks like she's got most of it, if you run your fingers through it they come out covered in hair. I'm going shopping tomorrow to find her some more short sleeve, button down pj tops so she can quit wearing the hospital gowns, eww! At least she'll look cute in her hats and pj's. :0)